Blog Archive

2024 Feb

The meeting was called to order by Chairman Bill Seward at 1:07pm

Treasurers Report was read and accepted.

Old Business

               50TH Nats Report.

50th Nats report was given by Michelle Seward. They were able to pay back all the front money we gave them and donated $5,000 To the future Nationals treasury.

51st Nats report.

184 pre-reg. gates open on July 7th at noon. Line up will start at 9 am do not come earlier as you will be asked to leave. Opening ceremony will be at 10 am on Wednesday a torch will be lit for the entire event. All things will center around the Olympics theme. Thursday 10 am how to Judge a van, 1 PM Nats Board meeting, there will be a classification at some point. 5:30 meet and great. Friday 9 AM classification and eleven show and shine. Saturday A cruise is planned. 5 PM trophy presentation.

Chairman reminded everyone about conduct unbecoming a member of this board. We are always under scrutiny. Please act accordingly.

In Feb of 2011, the board decided to charge a 10% fee for use of our trademarks.

New Business

The two new alternates to the board are Brady Vanderburg and Paul Orzechowski. Welcome Gentlemen.

Ben McDonough sent in an article about clarification on vehicles allowed into the Nats. Class B is OK but not Class C. We will try to put together a list of acceptable vehicles with pictures.

Coop discusses the show on Saturday ONLY

You have to ask,   is a Fri.  show for the benefit of the show operators or the Vanners  and the Nationals  .  It actually hurts the Nats. I have heard complaints from numerous Vanners  about a  Friday show for a long time. 

  The show and shine is the centerpiece of the truck in. People don’t come here to play corn hole. They don’t come halfway across the country to see some local band. They come here to see the VANS!

. The show and shine should be the climax of the event, and it should be held at a time when the most people can see it or be in it.

This year if you want to be in the show, you have to be at the truckin, set up and have the truck cleaned and ready to go into the show by Thursday night.

From the numbers I’ve been able to find, in the last several years there have been anywhere from 110 to 140 vans that come in after Thursday. Taking an average that's 125 vans and the potential of 250 people , who can’t participate or even see the show. These people are paying full price to get in and they’re seeing nothing of the vans.  THE ONE THING THEY CAME TO SEE!!!

They are being cheated. The percentage of vans in the show is usually about 25% of the total number at the truck in. using that ratio. There are approximately 30 vans showing up on Friday that would enter the show but cant. They are being cheated.

It's been said that they can be judged if they wish. What arrangements have been made for that?? Is that information listed in the Bible? Is there a time and place for judging on Saturday?


    Let’s say a nice mid Dodge shows up on Friday and wants to get judged. There were three other vans in that class that were already judge that day. If you’re going to be fair to this guy, he’s going to have to be judged by the same judge. It’s gonna be tough to figure out who the judge is. There has been no record of who judged what classes, if the judges don’t sign the sheets which most of the time they don’t

 I tried to find out who judged a certain class last year and nobody knew. So assuming that you find the same guy to judge the new van he’s going to have to judge the new truck and compare them to the first 3 vans from memory. That’s hardly fair. The three trucks that were in the show on Friday Probably have a good idea who is going to win that class. These guys check each other out. Imagine how upset they would be when they get beat out by a truck that wasn’t even in the show. That’s not fair. Forget any chance of the new van winning a best of award.

One of the things we have been trying to figure out for years is how to get more people to come to this event. If you’re a van owner and a potential Vanner, you are not going to take a weeks vacation to go to event you’ve never been to. You have no clue what to expect, you might take Friday off of work come early with the expectation of seeing lots of cool vans. You get there and discover that you’re not going to see any because the show is already over. Do you think this guys ever going to come back?

There is another potential travesty this year. there are 3 vanners coming who have never been to a Van-in before. Two of these guys I’ve been trying to get to a Truck'in for 20 years. There’s two vans in this group that stand a really good chance of winning the flying eagle award. thing is they’re not going to be leaving until Friday and probably won’t make it here in time for the show.They wont be able to be judged.  For either of these guys to get screwed out of that beautiful trophy because of the Friday show is more than a shame. It’s a crime. We are screwing people by having the show on Friday

we as a board have made numerous mistakes over the years. And as far as I’m concerned, Friday show and shine is one of the worst. and I want it fixed.

 I make the motion we put in the contract that the show and shine is to be on Saturday.

After debate motion was passed.

Coop Brought up how to certify a judge

Ken Schwarz made a motion to have a list of acceptable qualified van judges we can count on. New judges would have to go with a qualified judge and be signed off on the be certified. Howard second it and the motion was passed

Voted to pay Don Noone for the Nats Board logo on his goodie bags. Passed.

Trademark violations.   --  We will get a lawyer to help us get the legal papers to present when someone violates our trademark.

A bid was presented for the 52nd Nationals.

52nd Nationals hosted by Twin City Vans and Decota Street Vans will be at Albert Lee MN. 7-12 July 2025

(a complete bid package will be sent to members in a week or two)

Michelle made a motion to accept the bid and Paul seconded it.

Joe suggested training materials or a video for gate staff to reduce confusion at the gate for the Nationals.

Michelle motioned to donate $5000.00 to the 52nd Nats toward band(s). Motion passed.

Judith motioned to supply a tent at the front gate of the 51st Nats not to exceed $1500.00. Motion passed.

Amy Hale will be the new person in charge of Van Judging. The books have been brought up to date. All those who have not shown since 2013 were removed from the list and the list is now in alphabetical order; we will have zoom meeting in a few weeks to talk about making the books available on computer.

Motion to adjourn by Michelle, second by Coop. Meeting adjourned at 2:33 PM.

Minutes submitted by Judith.


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