Blog Archive

2022 July

 National Truck-In Board Meeting 

49th National Truck-In 

Old Washington, Ohio   07/19/2022 

Judith called a meeting to order 10:00 am. 

Judith called Roll and reminded members to check addresses and phone lists.  Also check sign up list

for front gate duties. 

Howard moved and Billo seconded to dispense with the reading of the previous meeting minutes, passed. 

For your information—Billo posts all minutes on Nats blog page. 

Treasurer’s Report was handed out, reviewed, and passed by Board 

Report on 49th Nats by Coop. 

Report on 50th Nats by Cindylou and Michelle.  The event will be held in Sterling Colorado 

July 5-9, 2023, Pre-registration will start on Thursday.  Flyers passed out at this meeting. 

Lynn moved and Howard seconded that Board purchase feather banner for Show and Shine, passed 

Nats Key Chain that will go in goodie bag was passed out 

Reminder—Nats Board meet and greet is Wednesday 6pm at Give Me Shelter building.  Hot Dogs, 

Slaw and Beans will be served. 

Amy announced that SOVC and NOVC will host Council of Councils in Cleveland in 2023. 

The Nats Board will continue to have a ZOOM meeting each quarter. 

There was much discussion of C of C, finances, future, improvement, organization, and


 Billo stated that there are positive recommendation letters from fairgrounds where the Nats have 

been held, that Nats applicants can use in their prep. 

Lynn moved and Howard seconded that each member get a Nats Board patch, passed.  All agreed

that a second patch for a significant other be available for $5.00. 

The meeting was adjourned at 11:05 am. 

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