Blog Archive

2021 March


Minutes of the National Truck-In Board Meeting via Zoom on 3/14/2021

Rose (Matchstick) Brooks was voted as an Alternate to the Board

The hosts need to inform the Board by May 1st on fairgrounds for 48th Nats

We discussed the ordering of dash plaques by May 1st to have by June 15th.

Dash plaques will be assembled at Nats and need volunteers.

We can get in to the Nats on Monday when early arrival happens.

Remember:  Board, Alternates and Support Staff are expected to work the main gate and sell T-shirts.  Tim will have a list of gate times for signup and there will be a list for times that T-shirts will be sold.

The National Truck-In Board will sponsor 2 full pages in Nats bible, the Flying Eagle trophy and Best of Show trophy.

There was a discussion of business cards.

The Board discussed bible ads and flyer ads vs. sponsor of events at the Nats for 2022.

Discussed the making of an 11 x 17 poster to sell.  It would be offset printed.  Cost would be approximately $200 to print many.

There was a discussion to print trading cards (no bubble gum) of all Flying Eagle winners. Coop will get list of all winners and pictures of vans.

Discussion of having all Best of Show vans park in special spot at the van show.

Discussion of having the Best of Show winner for the current year presented with a Jacket by previous year’s Best of Show winner (like The Masters).

Discussion of logo trademarks

There was a unanimous vote “No” on electrical stretchers.  We may have adapters for sale.

Discussion of Nats contract-update committee---Respond to Billo

Respectively submitted,

Lynn Harmonson

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