Blog Archive

2018 July



July 2018

Roll Call:   Melissa, Dave Astro, Art, Geoff, Ken, Judy, Dimples and Chooie were not at the meeting.

Tim will write a letter to Art and Dimples asking them if they are still interested in Participating on the board.

What is a designated excuse for absence at our meeting?   The following were suggested, Death, Sickness, hospitalization, no vacation, anything work related.  Jury duty.  Dave made it into a motion Tim seconded it and it was passes.

Early arrivals at National’s.   Such as trucks in to spot a trailer before midnight on Tues:  After much discussion Billo suggested a committee be setup to address the issue.   Coop, Billo, Dave, Sonya, Joe will come up with a motion for us to vote on and Report back to Seattle.

At the 47th Nationals there will be a separate place for no van vehicles

A motion to amend the contract to change the paper the flyer is printed on from Glossy paper to matt finish as this paper is too had to write on passed and the contract will be changed.

Michelle.  We need to get more people involved with the board. The suggestions were:  Get the main meeting space for open meeting.  Post everywhere that our meeting is open. Announce the agenda prior to the meeting.  Post edit minutes on web.

Feedback from Tim.  We may have to pay for the meeting room.  We agreed to do this when necessary

Tim may need to meet more outside of Nats and C of C meeting if we are changing the way the Nationals are hosted.  We need to meet more often when an issue arises.  An on line conference by phone was suggested. 

Michelle, we can set up something like skype for those conferences.  Hopefully everyone will set up a skype link


General discussion

History of board.

We are to trying to make the Nations® better not vanning in general. Unfortunately some people think that every event must follow the Nationals® guideline.  Mark Webber and several others think we get paid to be on the board.

There is a lot of miss information about us out there.  We need to let people know where to go to the correct info on our page.  We need to post on our web page what we do. 

Have a space for frequently ask question on the web page.

Tom will continue to bring Mothers products to the events with no compensation.

Gold Eagle no longer sponsors the Eagle trophy.  They are going in a different direction.  The motion that the Board pays the $100. That has been included with the trophy passed.

TITT reported that there would be a police presence in the evening when the bands play.  The slut buss will be ready to run by Wednesday. 

Those on the caravan to town will meet Friday morning to be lined up by year breaks.  It will start with the oldest.

Dave D will make a punch list for things on the flyer.

Charlotte Jackson will officially resign from the Board at the end of the 46th National Truck-in.  She will continue to support the board in all they do.  Saturday is here 80th Birthday.   Charlotte was thanked for all that she has done for the last 28 years. 

We will be voting on a replacement for Charlotte In February.  We will also us replacing two Alternates in February. 

Michelle, Cindy Lou and Amy were welcomed to the support team. 

We need to make a Make a mission statement for our page.  Please be thinking about this and bring your suggestions to the February meeting


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