Blog Archive

2023 July



JULY 5, 2023, Sterling, Colorado

50th National Truck-In

Roll call

Treasury Report approved.

Bill Seward was approved by board to replace Judith Pilon as Chairman of the Board.  Judith was thanked for her service to vanning and the National Truck-In Board.

Report by Hardcore—50th is going well with over 500 through the gate currently

Need better communication on extra people like Terry Cook and special guests

Discussion of authorization of trademarked items for sale at Nats.   Joe is in charge of coverage.  Host does the authorization.  Any use of the logo must be approved by the Nats Board.  Board must stay active on trademark use.  Billo will post on internet.

Update and publication of “How to Host Nats” and “Contract” will be handled by Billo.

Hardback book of the 50th National Truck-In discussed.  Tim made a motion to approve $300.00 for upfront monies as a loan for the books. Seconded by Chooie. Approved

Thank you to Glen-DropJaw for donation of $336.00.

Howard moved to raise the Nats licensing fee to $5.00 per van. Tim seconded. Approved

Coop moved to have a van show to Saturday (which is a change in contract) Smiley seconded. Vote by Board 5/3 approved.

Tim asked about reimbursement of loan for bands at Nats—Hardcore Vanners said that was very likely.

Minnesota talked about possibly hosting of 52nd or 53rd National Truck-In

Discussion of van classification Thursday morning.

Tim moved to adjourn, Ken seconded. 

Adjournment of meeting.

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