Blog Archive

2020 Feb


National Truck-in Board Meeting

February 6, 2020 1:00 PM

Councils of Councils Meeting in Milwaukee, WI


Roll Call and Roster Update:

Absent – Gary, Amy, Geoff, Melissa and Astro.  New to Support Team:  Paul Orezechowski, Bad Brad (returning) who was voted in unanimous, Dave Desaulniers is moving from his Board position to an Alternate and Judi Baker is moving from Alternate to Board.  The Board vote to approve was 9-0.


Introduction of Board Members and visitors.


National Truck in Board Treasury Report was accepted.


New England Van Council will pay forward $2,000 to the 48th Nationals in MN.


Discussion about Nats Board possibly hosting CofC which was tabled 15-0.


Billo moved, 2nd by Tom that the Board pay $300 to Wisconsin Van Council for the Board’s use of the meeting space in the hotel at this year’s CofC.  Motion passed.


Discussion to change the Board’s name to National Truck in Board of Governors.  Motion defeated.


Tim motioned, Billo 2nd that Michelle approach the CofC about having an afternoon meeting of the National Truck in Board on Saturday.  Passed 15-1.


Judith moved, Donnie 2nd to accept a Mission Statement provided by Dave D:  “The mission of the National Truck in board is to not only ensure the continuation of a consistently improving, safe and economical National Truck but to provide a celebration of the van for the vanning community, and to encourage the regular practice of rotational locations across the US to that all vanners in society regardless of sex, age or social background can join in that celebration.”  Passed unanimously.


Dave D and New England Van Council wish to host the Nationals in 2023 (51st Nats).  The Board will review the contract and revisit at the July meeting.


Discussion about the Nuts Bus Trailer (in addition to the bus):

Coop can store the trailer and licensed in his name.  The Board will finance.  This was tabled until more information is provided.


Coop moved and Michelle 2nd that the Board will provide a jacket and plaque for Best of Show at the Nationals in lieu of Best in Show trophy.  Passed unanimously.


Discussion of National Truck in Board helping at main gate and time to sell National Truck in shirts at the 48th Nats.  ALL BOARD, ALTERNATES, AND SUPPORT STAFF ARE REQUIRED TO WORK.


Discussion of National Truck in Board selling Nats shirts and receiving profits when the Board partners with the host club.


Discussion for licensing of all National Truck In collectibles.  Tabled until the July meeting.


Billo reported progress on the Board’s blog page.


Discussion of the Board members having business cards.  Kathy S. will research and provide more information at the July meeting.


Henry to contact Kount Kustoms in Las Vegas to possibly come to the National Truck in MN.


Tim motioned to adjourn the meeting.  Meeting adjourned at 3:00 PM.


Submitted by,


Lynn Harmonson


National Truck in Board Meeting

February 7, 2020 at 4:00 PM

Milwaukee, WI


Roll call – all Board members present.


2020 National Truck in Discussion:


·        Tim reported on finances which are progressing well. 

·        4-seater golf cards are $345 each (no profit built in). 

·        Ice vendors, gas and diesels for ice truck, trophy sales. 

·        Paypal problems with registration fixed by Astro.

·        Winnebago Van (Class B) display issue at 48th Nats was discussed.  Twin City will contact Winnebago for more details.

·        Discussion of printing the bible (size, color, etc)

·        ID of staff at 48th National Truck In:  Coop will print shirts with the cost of $2.50 per shirt.  Board approved.

·        Goody bags: Donnie to provide information and discussion ensued for printing of bags.

·        Judith will supply the information for a General Release Form.

·        The burnout competition was discussed.

·        Events planned at the 48th Nats.

·        Possible t-shirt for fundraiser.  MN to contact Matchstick.

·        Final insurance quote is being worked on.  Contact Becky Noone for more information.

·        Games/Awards quantities were discussed.

·        Tim to work with the host group to provide necessary items at the gate.

·        MN hosts need to get committees planned.

·        Music:  Wednesday – possible karaoke, Thursday – heavy metal, Friday – Captain Geech and the Shrimp Shack Shooters, Saturday – Blues/Rock


Smiley moved to have vans available as examples when people sign up for the van show and explain the scoring.  He volunteered to set this up and organize the tasks.  Passed unanimously.


Joe was asked to compile a complete vendor list at the 48th Nats.


Michigan is ready to host the Nats in 2021 but does not have suitable grounds yet.


Joe wants to do a mass mailing for the museum and needs permission to use the Nat’s pre-reg mailing lists.  Discussion ensued.  Henry made a motion to allow the list to be donated to the museum, Howard 2nd – vote passed 16-6.


49th National Truck-In Board Proposal:


·        Vans on the Run and Trucking into Tomorrow will host with the assistance of the Board.

·        The theme will be “Burning Van.”

·        Held at fairgrounds in Old Washington, OH

·        It was determined that it was a good proposal.  Move to accept by Superbeast, 2nd by Tim.  Vote to accept the proposal was unanimous.


Tim talked about making changes to the paper pre-reg form and Paypal listing information to include club name, van brand, etc.


Nats in 2023:

·        The New England Van Council wants to host the 51st National Truck in.  The theme would be “Vanner Olympics”. 

·        Henry motioned to accept and award the proposal from the New England Van Council, Howard 2nd.  Passed 17-2-1.


50th Nats:

Coop moved, Astro 2nd that to award the bid to Colorado contingent on the grounds being viewed and acceptable.  Formal bid to be presented at the 2020 Nats.

Passed 19-1-2.


Motion to adjourn by all.  Meeting adjourned at 7:25 pm.


Submitted by,


Lynn Harmonson

Nats Board Treasurer





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