Blog Archive

2007 Feb


The February 2007 meeting was called to order at 10 AM on Thursday.


Roll Call: Paul (Wacko), Howard, Joe, Coop, Judith, Paul (Chooie), Tim and Dave were present for roll call. Guests were Virtual, Cathy Smith, Dimples, Phil Martin, Judi, Geoff, Sonya, and Jr.


Min. from the July 2006 meeting it was voted to dispense with the reading of the min.

Treasures report

Charlotte wants to switch places with Paul. We voted to do this. Replace Rascal: we voted to move Dave over

From Wacko: Should it be mandatory for all Reps and their Alternates to attend the meetings if they are present at either Council or Nationals? A motion was made and seconded and all were in favor. It will be inserted into the by-laws. “If the member or alternate is at the National’sâ or Council of Council they must attend the entire board meeting.”


Joe spoke to Danny and he has officially resigned office.


Old Business:

Ticket for Raffle: The following people took the following tickets. Wacko-20, Howard-20, Joe-25, Coop-10, Judith –20, Chooie-15, Tim-10, Lew –20, Dave –40 Dimples-35, Phil, 5. Donnie –40. Make checks to National truck in Board and mail to Judith along with the stubs.


Update of the Web page. Coop needs to update 2% and the flyers need to be updated. Coop brought his flyers, Donnie, Coop and Joe and Dave brought their bio’s.


Each person is to bring a way to make the Nationalsâ better.


1.                       Dave’s input: Over the years I have watched the National Truck-In Board, myself included, convince themselves that a host club was ready and able to host the National Truck-In to the high standard we wish to attain. Deep down I have known that some were nowhere near that goal. Because of this I firmly believe that we can improve the standard by grooming individual groups to do what they are particularly good at. Like running the gate, judging van shows, finding music talent, making fliers, collecting trash, running games or security etc. I think we must host off site meetings in locations that we intend on some day hosting a National Truck-In. Educating ourselves to the particulars of these sites and plugging in the dollars, hosting groups, and pulling off a quality event. New England has been using the “Concerned Vanner” approach for years with great success. It’s time to stop cutting bait and fish.

1.        Plug the people who do the job best into the weak part of the bid.

2.        Familiarize yourself with the venue site.

3.        Groom groups who are good at things to step in and help.

4.        If you want it done right pick the people to do it with us.

Outcome.   We will all look around our area for people and groups that are good at a given job. We will bring the information to the Nationals. Dave will compile a list. We will then approach these people to see if they are willing to help host clubs as needed.

Comments and suggestions:

1.     Dimples: the Nat’s board should do the Nat’s. People want us to do it. The want us to put are money where your mouth is.


2.             Sonya Host wanted to put on a good event. They do not want to hear our way is the best way, the want to do it their way.

3.                Geoff you must work with this person so that they understand why we do things the way we do.

4.           Tim: the solution Tim would like to suggest is that the group who is putting in the bid has a Nat’sâ rep as a consultant.

5.           Pick the rep of your choice. The rep goes to the meetings whenever possible.

6.                       If we do have a bid and we say we are going to do it not the people who bid. They will say we took over and we would

7.                        never hear the end of it.

8.                       Joe figures we will host the last one. We are not getting new vanners so; we need to be better not bigger. The Nat’s needs

9.                        to start to make money (you can’t make money). What quality of event can you have if you don’t start with money?

10.      Best thing and the worst thing about our event is that it moves and has different hosts.


Rays Item is as follows: At the C of C in CO we discussed about getting things for the goodie bags. We even got some involvement from the general vanners from the floor; but it never seemed to get off the ground. I want to take this task on. The goodie bags for the Nationalsâ should be the best stuffed goodie bags of any event.

Per Joe there is a magazine out once a year of companies that have samples for the asking. Someone get me a copy of this and any other company that they know of and I will compile a mailing list. I will do all the mailing and do all the delivery of samples to each years Nat’sâ host. Coop made motion to have ray do the job Ray has the job. Seconded and vote was all for. Ray is now in change of getting goodie bag items. Joe has some books he will give to Ray.

New business:

Per Ray: The NOVC has found a flaw in the contract as to when the Nat’s are to officially start (so stated at our July meeting) the contract should be amended to state that the National Truck-in would start no later that noon Wednesday.

Comment: This is not a flaw. We have given Hosts the option of open on Wednesday but have never changed the contract to Wednesday. After discussion we decided to leave the contract the way it is.

Joe there is a guy in Oh who makes t-shirts with vans on them. Joe will ask him to put National flyers in any product that he sends out that is van related.


Questions for the future host groups: From Howard


1.        Why are you placing a bid?

2.        What do you expect from hosting the Nationalsâ

3.        Why has nearly every group recently seemingly thumbed their nose at us and gone on to screw up one phase of the event or another. (This is from Howard and I agree we need to ask this question).


Bible ad that you are invited to attend the Nat’s board meeting Bible classification and clarification.


Van Judging:

Explain the process in the bible.

1.        Do we want to certify judges for the Nationalsâ? We would choose from people who show across the country and train them how to judge. The judges would then have to be pulled from this group. A. Can we find enough people who would do this?  B.  Would we pay them, or the host pay them if they are to be paid.  Should we charge the Host if the Board must work the (actually judge) van judging at their event?

A large discussion was had about having the show on Friday or Saturday. Some were for and some were against. If we could do a show of 1000 vans 30 years ago and get it done why can’t we do it now? The judges are not qualified and the paper work is much more.

Bowling Green had paid people working all night on Saturday and gave out the trophies Sunday. Cannot give out the Trophies on Sunday because many people leave on Saturday night.

Another suggestion was to have the class judging on the Friday and do the best of on Saturday and anyone want to be in the best of go out on Saturday and be judged for Best of.

After much discussion it was decided to do the following

a.       We will certify judges and have a pool of judges. We will do this at Council of Councils each year; we will also certify judges at the           event. All judges must be certified. We will give out certificates at the Council of Councils meeting.  The certified judges would be able to show their vans unless they were host club.

 b.       The van show will be held on Friday.

c.        In the how to highly recommend that you have a van related event such as a public show or parade Saturday or games evolving           games

2.        Is it now time to make permanent classifications cards. Yes, we will have a business card size tag like a luggage tag. We already have the stuff to do this. The cared will have the class detail on the card. The person would have to come up and get a permanent card the first year.   After that they would have to display the card in the van. They would then go through the fast lane before entering the van show. In the fast land we will double check to make sure no changes have been made.


Things for the bible about show and shine. Like being in line at the proper time, getting classified, what is new in van judging? We will get two pages one for van judging and one to announce that the meeting is open to all where and when it will be and have a question-and-answer session.

Beginning in 2007 a van cannot win more than 2 Best of Show awards unless there is a drastic change to the van. These vans may win another Best of Category award. Also, we will have a “Circle of Champions” of those vans who are no longer eligible to win the Best of Show and one of them would win an a award for the Circle of Champions. An award “Best Van first time show at the Nationalsâ will be given to a van that has never shown at the nationals before. The board would pick the winner.     First time shown a Nat’sâ and circle of champions.                                       Vote all for

Coop will come up with a trophy for the never before shown at Nat’s van

Accept the HHR panel as a factory produced panel (the window is not a panel) and allow it entry at Nat’s. Vote 6/2

Mazda 5 is a van it’s advertising is van.

From Ray:

A Van Judging Seminar: It would be nice to have two vans to use for this seminar. There should be a class on how to judge. Then allow the participants to judge the two vans. Going over their judging sheets and showing their mistakes would follow this up. We will have this every year.

This will be done.


Following items came from Wacko Golf Carts:

1    Insurance: How and who checks if they are insured? Host club is responsible.

2.   Approved lighting on carts host club

2          A.D.A approved chairs, carts, and scooters. Per the A.D.A they are only allowed on golf not approved anyplace else

3          Scooter insurance?

4          Drunk driving: Responsibilities the Host club is to monitor this, but we will back them up



5          No price changes once a price is established. Especially when ticket are sold Nationwide. In book no changing in the price.

b.        Limits on how many Raffles at the Nationalsâ Have an Official raffle registration. Should be for the common good of vanning not personal. Encourage making (Official raffle badge)

c.        Nat’s board logo on cart will be on Tom’s cart at the OHIO Nat’s



1.        Remove the Porta Pot renting information on the flyer. Wacko’s Opinion: Does not belong on the National Flyer. As something offered not as ad. Looks Tacky (on contract) special need contact us. Insert with flyer to ad things like port a john, pole barns etc

2.        Allow commercial advertising on the flyer if it helps to pay for it. Passed

3.        Cost cutting for the future host’s is it too much? Should be talking about fund raising per Dave.

4.        Should we allow more advertising to be allowed on the flyer to cut costs? See above Entertainment:

1 Question: Are we asking too much when it comes to having Bands every night?

The contract will be amended to read: In lieu of the live band entertain on Thursday night the Host may provide other alternative entertainment such as Movie night, DJ, etc. All approved

2. Stage, Etc.


Venders Row. Approved Vendors:

1     Food: Type of

2.        Van Accessories

3.        Pins, Patches: National approved or other

4.        Tee Shirts Nationals approved or other.

5.        Vendor that are suited for vanning.

6.        Should the Nationalsâ Board oversees the vendors and approve or disapprove what they sell. No, only if they have something with has our Logo on it.


We recommend that you please put the smoking and any other items of this type in the rear. May advertise that they have the item but should be out of sight of children. Bring them out after curfew.




Movies, Videos and Such. Do they have to have our written permission before they can sell these products? Yes, if they use are logo in any way they must have permission to use it.

Your job as a National’s Representative is to monitor those people who indicate that are going to use our Logo etc. Let them know that they cannot use our information and if they do, we will then have to get a lawyer and enforce our trade mark.


Big Questions from Wacko

Why is it costing so much to host the National Truck-inâ?


Should we allow more to be charged at the gate or should we allow cost cutting?

Should we allow more open policy when it comes to charges as far as trailer are concerned? Change the contract to read that the pre-reg may not exceed $50. We took at the gate amount and adjusted the camping trailer price not to exceed the pre-reg price of the van. Vote all for


How can we go about looking for and finding a National Sponsor such as i.e. Hooters of America?

Change the contract and add space to initial on all those points that we have had trouble with. Such as Dash plaques, prices, van judging and also a statement that they have read and understand the contract. Vote all for and this will be changed on all future contracts.


From Ray: Seminar fix the contract.

Contract & Language: We need to explain the simple do’s and don’ts. Trade mark Laws: their rights as trade mark holders, merchandising the Trademark, protecting the trademark, following the contract and why things are in the contract. This is already part of the How to Host a Nationals seminar


Seminar: How to host and have a successful Nationalsâ We have complied a list of expenditures from different Nat’sâ hosts. We also know how successful host have made money besides entry fees. This we also need to pass on. We also need to inform then about mistakes that have been made at past events, so they are not repeated. This is all part of the How to host a Nationals book.


Acknowledgement of participation.

As an extra bonus for the participants, we could give each a certificate for completing our seminars and hand them out during the C of C meeting. This could raise awareness and hopefully get more involvement the next year. These suggestions about seminars and other seminars should be announce at this year’s C of C providing that next year’s c of c is hosted in the continental USA Items to Ponder: Perhaps in the near future we could all arrive at the c of c on a Monday or Tuesday. This would allow us as a group to get a lot of our business done before hand. It would allow us time to enjoy the area where the c of c is hosted. And maybe we would not be working late on a Friday night.

We will have the meeting at next year’s C of C meeting on Thursday and all the seminars on Friday morning. The bids will still be submitted on Friday night.

Yes, we will do this with a certificates.



Future topics or Bull shit session’s topics.

1.        Promoting & Advertising the Nationalsâ

2.        Sponsorship on a local & National lever

3.        Fundraisers

4.        Local coverage of the Nat’sâ Newspaper-TV

5.        National exposure of the Nat’sâ TV-magazines

6.        Nat’sâ Board shirts with logo and your name. Gypsy has these transfers.

7.        Nat’sâ Board desired collectable to sell.

8.        Board hosting a Nat’sâ

9.        Building the treasury up

10.                  Having major part of the July meeting the day before entering Nat’sâ at a campground or hotel            We will have our July meeting at RV home on Lake Milton on the Tuesday of Nationals week, please plan to attend.


Howard thinks that a way to protect our contract and us is to charge an application fee. Upon completion of the contract the buck a truck a truck would come out of it.  Dimples, one drawback is that most clubs do not have that much money to start, but if the group is dedicated, they will find the money. Dave the successful events have been able to pay us. We should be part of helping them and not a burden. It sends the wrong message. In the business world not the vanning world this would be a good idea. But with vanners it would not work. We agreed not to do this.

Motor homes: Bring your motor home to the Nat’s, but you must have your van with your motor home or the motor home will not be allowed inside the gate, however it could be put outside the gate or with the host club at their discretion. You may park your van inside the National’s.


Would be nice to have water, ice and shade at show and shine for participants.


Friday morning: We spent the morning interviewing the candidates for the alternate’s position. We spent an hour after the interviews discussing who would be the best or the job. The following persons were chosen for the position Doug “Virtual Vanner” Nykanen will be Howard’s alternate, Steve Ashley with is Joe’s alternate and Dan “Dimples” Richard will be Dave’s alternate.



VOICES: Van Owners information Council Empire State Larry Floss, President city of Salt City

27th event Lisa Salt City

50-55people are in the group representing 14 clubs Bob McCarthy would be the Internet person.

To be held at Herkimer County Fairgrounds, Frankfort, NY July 25-29, 2008

The theme would be Vannin’ on the Erie Canal. It was a good bid but needed some work and the grounds have not been seen. Dave will visit the grounds on the way home and again in the spring and give up a report.

The grounds have the following:

12 showers for each plus handi-cap, two sites for over flow, never had been a van run, closest neighbor on the corner, Grounds good and up front. PA system, City water Nat’ would open Noon Wed. They may not be available the next year. 7/23-27-2008 got the cost to $2500.

Including water and elec. Trash is extra.


Second bid is from

Steve Ashley Mid America Street Vans 55 members

Dates: July 16-20, 2008

At: Effingham County Altamonte IL Theme: Remember when back in the day

There will be Barn rental, there is more electric, and grounds have been improved. There are more restrooms. The town really wants us back.

They have a firm commitment from the grounds and the insurance. Also, a medical plan.


After much discussion we chose Mid America Street Vans in Altamonte, IL

We will encourage NY to come back with a bid next year. We liked what they had but it was not complete.

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